Minimal Image Data – Access from VB5
The MDMDA session
The MDMDA session object is being called from a Visual Basic 5.0 application. This sample will return the data requested in an InputBox so that it is available for cut and paste. It takes the search item value as the only command line parameter.
Sub Main() Dim ds As Object Dim db As Object Dim da As Object On Error Resume NextSet da = CreateObject("MdmDA.Session") da.TraceLevel = 0 da.HostAddress = "yourhost" da.Port = "30002" da.LoginUser = "yourname" da.LoginGroup = "yourgrp" da.LoginAccount = "youracct" If Not da.Connect Then MsgBox ("Connect failed: " + _ da.ErrorMessage) End End IfIf da.LoginStatus = False Then MsgBox ("Login failed: " + _ da.ErrorMessage) End End If Set db = da.AddImageDBRef("MSCARD") If Not db.DBOpen("MSCARD", _ "DBPASS", 5) Then MsgBox ("DBOpen failed: " + _ da.ErrorMessage) End End If Set ds = db.AddDatasetRef("CUSTOMER") ds.Delimiter = "" If Not ds.DBFind(1, "ACCOUNT", _ Command) Then MsgBox ("DBFind failed: " + _ ds.ErrorMessage) End End If If Not ds.DBGet(5, _ "ACCOUNT,LASTNAME,FIRSTNAME;", _ "X") Then MsgBox ("DBGet failed: " + _ ds.ErrorMessage) End End If x = InputBox("", "", _ Trim(ds.Item("LASTNAME"))) End End Sub