TroubleShooting: Error Processing Exception Error
Problem: The eFORMz Director gave the following error:
**** logging ****
(12/11/17 9:52:54 AM) Exception Note: version:11.00.12
(12/11/17 9:52:54 AM) [0000000034:QueueMonitor-Search for PDF every second-0] @ com.minisoft.Director.LocalDataFileDispositionHandler::setDisposition:-1
** com.minisoft.exceptions.ProcessingException Error
* Error local [append extension] C:\Minisoft\eFORMz_6\Input\2017-12-1109.31.12.pdf to C:\Minisoft\eFORMz_6\Input\2017-12-1109.31.12.pdf.hld
**** Queue Monitor Search for PDF every second for Input ****
- Check the \Minisoft\eFORMz_6\log (Windows) folder and select the “director.log” it will gives you a more detailed indication of why there is an error message.
- This error can be caused by insufficient permissions. For example, an eFORMz queue that reads from \Minisoft\eFORMz_6\Input (on Windows) usually requires permission to read, update, and delete files in that folder.
- If an eFORMz project (.efz) is using output from another project in eFORMz, such as with Output from Project or Pages from Project, check that the paths to those projects are correct and have read permission. If they are not they will return this error.
- One customer received this error when an outside process deleted \Minisoft\eFORMz_6\jars. All the jar files were gone. They resolved the issue by copying the jar directory from the test system that had the same version of eFORMz installed, and restarting eFORMz.