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Calling Sub-Projects (parameters)

To follow along, download the following project files (4) and place them in the Minisoft\eFORMz_6\projects\Sample folder:


When you pass parameters to a sub-project, they can be accessed in that sub-project by defining Data Node variables as follows:

1. If the calling project does NOT pass XML as Input Data to the sub-project, then the variables are defined as Data Node variables with the following value for “Data Node”:


2. If the calling project passes XML as Input Data to the sub-project, then the Data Node value is prefixed “VariableValues/”, like this:


XML Input Data

The first pair of projects demonstrate how to access parameters in a sub-project when the Input Data is XML.

Define an XML variable (XMLSomeData), and pass this to a sub-project along with two additional parameters: FormSize and Orientation. Define the “Input format” as XML and the “Character set” as UTF-8.

In the sub-project, define the two parameters as Data Node variables, with the Data Node value of “VariableValues/Parameters/” followed by the name of the parameter as passed from the calling project, “FormSize” in this example:

You can verify the variables are defined correctly in the sub-project if the parent project’s output looks like this (the sub-project echoes the parameter names and values in a rule):

Non-XML Input Data

The second pair of projects demonstrates how to access parameters in a sub-project when the Input Data is anything other than XML.

Define two variables to pass to the sub-project: Form and Orientation, and give them the values “4×6” and “portrait”, respectively. Call the sub-project from a rule, where the rule variable is the system variable “N/A”, which is just an empty string (definitely not XML):

In the sub-project, define the incoming parameters as Data Node variables, with the Data Node value of “Parameters/” followed by the name of the parameter as passed from the calling project, “FormSize” in this example:

You can verify the variables are defined correctly in the sub-project if the parent project’s output looks like this (the sub-project echoes the parameter names and values in a rule):

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