ODBC for Unix Driver Installation on Solaris
Driver Installation on Solaris
You will need:
- unixODBC 2.2.3 or later
< http://www.unixodbc.org> - /usr/local/lib/libstdc++.so.2.10.0
- Place all files in the /opt/minisoft directory. (the libraries should be 755)
- Append the lines from “drvinst.ini” into the odbcinst.ini file for your system.
- Use “config3kodbc.exe” to set the information from mscard.ini into you odbc.ini file. The database and password information for your HP3000 are encoded into the odbc.ini file and cannot be (easily) added with a text editor. This application (config3kodbc.exe) reads a ini file and encodes the information into the odbc.ini file.
————————————————config3kodbc.exe -i -u -f mscard.iniInstalls mscard as a User DSN————————————————
config3kodbc.exe -i -s -f mscard.ini
Installs mscard as a System DSN
Please report the value from this utility so that a License Number can be generated for your system.
This is a Solaris executable. Place it in the directory “/opt/minisoft”. When run, it should display the System ID and System Name:
# /opt/minisoft/license.exe
System ID = [541750568]
System Name = [HP-UX B.11.00 9000/800]
Use one of the following parameters:
1 - View license information
2 - License a product
5 - Create license file
6 - View license for a product