Javelin – Known Issues
“class J92.class not found.java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: J92.class”
Sun’s Java Run Time Environment (version 1.4.0) will install a Java plugin that Internet Explorer uses. This plugin does not support CAB files. You must then make the following changes.
Rewrite the java script in the noencrypt.html file so that in the event that a Java plugin is in use it will load the .jar archive. You must use a “archive” keyword in the <applet> tag and a “cabbase” parm together. The browsers (Internet Explorer and Netscape) will know which one they will need to load automatically when they find both.
For example, if Internet Explorer finds a cabbase parm, even though a archive=xxx.jar exists as well, it will know automatically to load the CAB file. If Internet Explorer is using Sun’s plugin then it will load automatically the .jar file.
Example script:
<title>Javelin-HP demo by MiniSoft</title>
<script LANGUAGE=”javascript”>
var an = navigator.appName;
var plat = navigator.platform;
if (an != “Netscape”)
if (plat != “MacPPC”)
document.write(“<applet code=\”J92\” archive=\”j92.jar\” >”);
document.write(“<param name=cabbase value=\”J92.cab\”>”);
alert(“Netscape on Macintosh is not supported in non-encrypted version”);
if (plat != “MacPPC”)
document.write(“<applet codebase=\”./\” archive=\”j92.jar\” code=\”J92.class\”>”);
alert(“Netscape on Macintosh is not supported in non-encrypted version”);
document.write(“<param name=\”Config\” value=\”bkent80.j92\”>”);