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File Transfer Errors

“Host file transfer program is out of date” usually means that the HP3000 cannot find/load/execute the host file transfer program.

Do the following step by step:

  • When a user sees the message “Host file transfer program is out of date”, ask them to type LISTREDO at the prompt immediately after dismissing the dialog box.  They should see RUN WS92LINK.PUB.SYS as a prior command.
    1. If the RUN WS92LINK command is not seen, then verify the configuration settings for file transfer are set to the defaults.  Repeat the file transfer steps.
    2. If LISTREDO does not work or the WS92LINK run command does not appear after correcting and configuration problems, verify the run programs and commands capability of the user.
    3. If they see the RUN WS92LINK command , type in the command
      :DO #
      where # is the line number they see the RUN WS92LINK command on. This should generate the message:
      “MiniSoft and IX/92 File Transfer Host Program: Build    4”
    4. Verify that the Host Program does exist (with NMPRG file code) by doing

      1. If it does not exist:
        • Use MiniSoft 92 for Windows to log on to the HP3000 as MANAGER.SYS in the PUB group (:HELLO MANAGER.SYS,PUB)
        • In the Config/File Transfer menu, set the Host Program Name toWS92LINK.PUB.SYS.
        • Execute Upload Host Program
      2. If the host program file does exist, then the reason for the error message may be due to the networking protocol which has to be NS/VT (see: Config /Comms + Network).
    5. If another error message is seen, report the exact message to your system administrator or Minisoft.

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